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Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Effective as of May 27, 2022
Version 1.1

Otaru Canal Boat LLC (herein referred to as “our company”) does its utmost to comply with the laws and regulations relating to the protection of personal information (herein referred to as the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”). Accordingly, our company has established the following policy (herein referred to as “this policy”) for the handling of personal information that is collected and used in the provision of seats on regular cruises and the arranging of charter cruises (herein referred to as “our services”) through our company’s website (herein referred to as “this website”).

1. About the collection of personal information
When a customer makes an application to use our services, or when they actually use them, we will collect names, addresses, numbers of identification cards etc., business names and addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, credit card details and so on.

2. The purpose of use of personal information
The purpose for which our company will use of personal information is as stated below:
To register customers to this website, confirm their identity, authenticate them and record their settings.
To process payments made for our services.
For the maintenance, operation and improvement of this website.
To measure and analyze customer access and use of this website.
To investigate, and when necessary, respond to breaches of contracts, terms of use, policies etc. for our services and any other suspicious, dishonest or illegal acts by customers.
To respond to inquiries from customers regarding this website, our services etc.
To notify customers of changes to the terms of use, policies etc. for this website and our products and services.
To inform customers about this website and our service provided through it, and about other services provided by this company, group companies and business partners.

3. About cookies and other tracking technologies
Our website makes use of cookies and other tracking technologies, which include, but are not limited to web beacons.
If a customer wants to disable cookies, they can do so by turning them off in the security menu of their browser. However, doing so may affect how parts of this website function.

4. About the procedures for the disclosure of personal information etc.
If a customer asks our company to disclose, edit, delete or stop using their personal information, we will provide information about the necessary procedures. This information will be provided by the contact center stated below. Again, any opinions or complaints regarding the handling of personal information should also be directed to this contact center.

Contact Center
Email address: 
After customers contact us, our company will pass their opinions, requests etc. on to the appropriate section, and that section will decide what to do. Our company will then promptly inform customers of what has been done.

5. About the provision of personal information to third-parties
Other than in the cases listed below, our company will not provide our customer’s personal information to third-parties.
When customers have provided their consent
When laws and regulations deem provision to be necessary.
When provision is necessary to protect the life, health or property of a customer, but it is difficult to obtain their consent.
When provision is especially necessary for the improvement of public health or to promote the healthy upbringing of children, but it is difficult to obtain a customer’s consent.
When it is necessary to cooperate with national organizations and regional government, or with business operators entrusted by them to carry out their legally required duties, and obtaining a customer’s consent is likely to make the carrying out of those duties difficult.
When the partial or complete provision of personal information is necessary to accomplish the above-stated purpose of use of personal information.
When provision is necessary for the continuation of our services after a change of operator following business mergers and so on.
Provision to specified overseas companies:
Other companies located within Taiwan that are affiliated with Activity Japan Co.,Ltd.
These companies are all located within Taiwan, and are all companies within the same group as Activity Japan Co.,Ltd., which is the provider of the Rezio Online Platform used on this website.

6. The shared-use of personal information
Out of the personal information provided by our customers, our company may share names, addresses, numbers on various forms of identification, business names, business addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, credit card information etc. with the companies listed below to be jointly used in providing information about and promoting our services, corresponding with customers, as well as for the maintenance, operation and administration of this website and the Rezio online platform. Our company will take responsibility for the management of this information.
Company List:
KKDAY JAPAN, Activity Japan

7. Other third-party websites and services
While this website may contain links to third-party website and services, we accept no responsibility in regard to the handling of personal information by those websites and services.

8. Inquiries
Please contact our contact center us if you have any questions about this policy.
Contact Center
Email address: